Philippe Albanel as an experienced professionnal photographer and previously service center manager propose to you several type of services turning around the delivery of very high quality images and just in time services. All the images produced are respecting a very precise quality standard in order to satisfy customers in their project. In order to acheive the best for his customers the service is delivered in time with the advice coming with.
We will reply to all your demands under 8 days in term of feasibility.
All the images published on the gallery (and more) are available for various media like books, magazines, advertisement on paper, canvas, film and tv. The image are distributed through license. In case of partnership with great company or magazines, it is possible to share services with free licence. Please click on ASK FOR below to place an order.
If your requirements are not covered with one of the images available in the gallery you have again a solution. We can propose to capture the image for you and process the post-treatment. This service is proposed only through licensing of the final images in regards to french law. Please click on ASK FOR below to place an order.
In order to respond to the large consumer market, Philippe has made a partnership with an international french distributor of canvas prints for interior design. You can purchase those high quality canvas in very large format (240cm), printed with a new original technology at reasonable price and all produced localy in the south west of France. Last customers won recently are Leroy Merlin and Castorama in different cities of the south of France. Thousands of canvas have already been sold.
On demand we can purchase very high Digigraphy certified prints in various format in limited edition. All the prints are signed and verified by Philippe Albanel himself. The digigraphy printing process is performed by a professionnal lab situated in Nantes to reduce the delay.
All images featured on the gallery (and more) are available for distributors and partners of all types who want to produce products using an image from Philippe Albanel. We are really flexible so the image can be modified in term of format and on demand we can process different post-treatment (mood, black and white, unsatured, color modification). Please click on ASK FOR below to place an order.